I dedicate this post ladies, whose T-shirt making ordinary people look like a tent.

If at the premiere of "Godzilla" wanted to take a picture with you already, an alarm buzzer, and my advice to you, please read this article.
Slimming products diet women for us I'll tell him which friends, and what — not.
Basic nutrition for women slimming
You can do what others all start talking proudly dependent on proper nutrition, sufficient just snack on celery burger. But yourself to low-calorie diets, in which you, for a month, a yogurt, and you don't need a pill for life.
Proper nutrition for weight loss for women it's not so scary it may seem to you at first glance.
You just need to:
- sila all harmful products;
- and correctly calculate the daily requirement of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- that will allow BGU to make this diet based;
- and happiness to you.
Which products are there?
Unless you want to get a man like the Guinness Book of records, it can be seen from space you need, eliminating fried food, fast food, limit flour and sweet.
In this case, slimming proper and balanced diet should include the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are necessary in a woman:
- You can have to get carbs, grains and legumes, vegetables and fruit.
- The most popular protein source, meat, it's not another obstacle, fish, eggs and dairy products.
- Here's the different oils, saturated and unsaturated. Many say saturated fats (animals) harmful, but it is not. They are harmful, if a lot of them, and even a small amount are very useful for them. Suitable temperature, wind, animal fats, vegetable – 30/70. You can get herbal oils, for example vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, and other things.

Also, towards the girls distribute all these products one day:
- Carbohydrates. Porridge, pasta, potatoes of the day there, in the first half and a second snack add fruit, vegetables, or even tonight.
- Proteins. There are protein products at all hours of the day. But the best thing easier and faster to digest before going to bed something to eat, for example eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese. Due to the structure of chicken longer and is more difficult to be absorbed.
- Oils. Them a better meal in the first half of the day, for example, the first and the snacks between breakfast and lunch is always the answer.
Calculate how calories?
To create a diet plan for weight loss for women, you need to start to determine the amount of calories that will be diet.
There are a few options how to calculate the calories required for a particular girl. For example, a popular formula that you can use the Harris-Benedict. I'm using a slightly different way. The first figure is the number of protein, fat and carbohydrate, and then distribute their product.
In most cases the number will show all the methods but I would like to emphasize, keep your weight in place. To lose weight, reduce the calories you need.
Now, as I will show my method works.
As an example, an abstract lady, wants to give a weight. His weight 70 kg. That wants to lose weight then, if we're counting the required amount as well, protein, fat and carbohydrate reduced weight, let's get this to 65 kg. woman slimming 2 g Protein, 1 g fat, 2 g carbohydrate, 1 kg of its weight.
We received the following schema:

- protein = 65 x 2 = 130 g
- fat = 65 x 1 = 65 GR
- carbs = 65 x 2 = 130 g
Now what, how many calories we get this:
- protein = 130 x 4.1 = 533 kcal
- fat = 65 x 9 = 585 kcal
- carbs = 130 x 4.1 = 533 kcal
A total of 1651 kcal / day. This is a very good choice when visiting us. Depending on the amount will change the results, protein, fat and carbohydrates. Instead of each manipulation could be the same weight.
Many are already coming to rebuke me in such a figure, crazy, bad, coach, and general pest shameless man. Ultimately, this is too much. Here.
Attention!!! Feed, 1000 or 1200 kcal diet in public except for "40 kg", so we can be successful you never. You get slimmer, but you return now and then a juicy pie thin little body to get back to the normal human diet. So be wise and don't underestimate the importance of capabilities.
Optimum power to weight loss plan for girls is as follows:
- breakfast;
- snack;
- lunch always, the answer is:
- snack;
- always in the evening, the answer is:
- a snack before going to bed.
So six meals a day, as you are so hungry you will remain. Also, after six torturing and starving herself.
Now let's see how this program is nutrition and the amount of calories that express products.
Sample diet day
In the case we have examined above, has a weight of about 70 kg and wants to lose weight girls. Diet day we do now for him. So to look at.
- 50 grams of oatmeal
- egg-3 pieces
- nuts 15 gr
Snack 1:
- 50 grams of hard cheese
- 20 grams of honey
Lunch always, the answer is:
- wheat, 40 g
- 150 g chicken fillet
- vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), vegetable flavored oil (5 g), 150 g
Snack 2:
- Apple 300 GR
Always in the evening, the answer is:
- to about 200 g fillet
- vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), vegetable flavored oil (5 g), 150 g
Snack 3 (before bed):
- lean ricotta cheese 150 g
This same girl, now let's get to your diet, but already with other products.
- 50 grams of oatmeal
- 30 grams of raisins
- 2 pieces of Apple
Snack 1:
- 1 piece banana
- 30 grams of walnuts
Lunch always, the answer is:
- durum pasta 50 gr
- 2 pieces of chicken baguette
- vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), vegetable flavored oil (5 g), 150 g
Snack 2:
- 1 grapefruit
Always in the evening, the answer is:
- 200 gr of squid
- salad vegetables (cucumber, lettuce leaves, foliage), flavored vegetable oil (5 g), 150 g
A snack before going to bed:
- 5 pieces of egg whites
You open you can pick up other products to their preferences.
As we saw in Dubrovnik, it's not the right diet, a chicken, and wheat. Proper nutrition may be different, and sometimes even delicious.
There's a girl, as it is written above, and is expecting a baby girl very remarkable success, guys. And if that meal will be a burger and fries popping up a piece of sausage in the morning, afternoon chocolate, in a calorie deficit needed to lose weight because I starve all day then got two that won, so the kids who came to protect him for her daily calories will be in Boca, not so smart.
And sports nutrition help weight loss?

To see the progress you want to achieve any results if you need it urgently, here and now, you, most likely, everyone, especially sports nutrition.
Well, Sports and nutrition may accelerate and facilitate the lives of result, but of normal power shall have the right provided in this case.
If you drink, and protein without fat burners, but you stick a sausage in bed are you doing, may be involved in anything about any results?
All this complex. You will be a part of this complex, which is, that it will be a long time to flutter in the wind on your cheek.
Don't forget training
This is a proper diet you need to add a bit of activity in my life. What you are going from the computer to the fridgedoes not apply to an active lifestyle.
The most convenient exercise in the gym. There nakachat and walnuts and fat you'll burn. This is perfect for me.
At the same time, the more NOV will be more active, calories burned, respectively, the result will be faster. For those who want to going to a private gym, wrote an article about nutrition for women involved in sports.
If you are a lady and not all that iron, then group fitness classes as you want — aerobics, you can do it there, you'll have to hope fat.
Laziness if you do sports, then you if you have an article about me with motivation, everything is fine, but no experience if you exercise, then go busy with coach.
Yeah, at least start walking. The store before the Walk is considered to be. A step fast walking, bike riding, skating, yes everything. Start the rides a little for a more active lifestyle.
And yet, it's not like a bullshit miracle pills and patches of every kind in the Valley, hunger stroked themselves consume meat, don't sit down "drying" is not, don't strain yourself, heavy exercise every day. All this not only helps you, but also are damaging.
I brought the totals
A proper diet for weight loss to conclude, it's not so scary, how could you do this, think about it. And to lose weight, you only need a harmful products, except for food to start a program and make your life more active.